I’ve asked others why they chose to become a virtual assistant. There are many reasons, but the one I hear most often is they want the flexibility to stay at home with their kids while contributing to the family income.
For me…
I wanted flexibility.
I wanted freedom.
I wanted to choose who I worked with and (more importantly) who I didn’t.
I wanted to be able to work from anywhere (because I want to travel).
I wanted to make my own decisions for my life.
I didn’t just want a J-O-B any longer. I wanted to create a life, not just a living.
And so, I began…
I did a LOT of research. It took me several years of research and contemplation.
But after being in the corporate world for 30 years, having several bad bosses, and the frustration of not being able to fully utilize my skills and expertise, I finally decided that I was done.
I was done playing by other people’s rules.
I was done being told what time I had to be at work.
I was done being told what time I took my lunch break and for how long.
I was done being told what time I could leave and what days I could take off.
I was done working with disrespectful people with no integrity.
I was done with an hour-long commute fighting traffic to get to work and another one to get home.
I was done worrying about my job security.
I was done with feeling like I was irrelevant and like I had no value or purpose.
After my research of the VA industry, I thought, here’s my chance to become a freelancer who can make a difference to others.
To people who see my value.
To people who really need me.
To people who will appreciate my expertise.
To build something meaningful.
To help others transform their lives and businesses.
I didn’t quit my J-O-B right away…
I started part-time in addition to my full-time job.
I designed my website.
I began blogging about things I knew and things I was learning.
I created my email newsletter.
I established my business processes and took care of the legal side.
I determined the services I wanted to offer and price packages.
I developed goals and got to work.
I’m not a millionaire…
But I’m making progress and I’ve had some success.
I’ve been researching, testing, and working hard to achieve this dream.
I’m still learning so much. I’m still making mistakes. But it’s growth.
I have the freedom to take the time to participate in training when I want.
I have the freedom to take a day off to visit my friends and family.
I have the freedom to take a break whenever I need to for my own self-care and sanity.
I make my own rules and my own schedule.
I choose which services to offer and which clients to work with.
I choose what tools to use.
And I now have a purpose.
It’s not all fun and games though…
I work hard and I have big plans for the future.
I have so much I want to do. It’s very exciting.
It’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before going to bed.
It’s what I think about all day long and sometimes dream about in my sleep.
I’ve been learning from and collaborating with highly successful high-income earners who have helped me change my mindset and my business direction.
Even though some of my friends and family have doubted me and what I’m doing, I continue to invest in myself and my business with activities designed to get me closer to my goal to serve high-end clients.
And I believe that my best work is still ahead of me.
Why am I sharing this with you?
Because I often get asked how I got started. I didn’t do it alone. And if I can do it…YOU CAN TOO!
If you are interested in starting any type of online business or just starting a side gig making extra money, these resources will be invaluable for you.
Can I help YOU achieve your goals?
Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to see if I can help.
If not, I can probably refer you to someone in my network that can.