Is Your Business Strategy Like a Tornado Warning?

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We had tornado warnings here in the Midwest last night. It’s always interesting to see how different people react.

Some are cautious and hit the basement immediately.

Some are risky and go out into the yard, look up into the sky, and wait for it to come.

Some are oblivious and just go about their regular routine like nothing is happening.

And some are prepared and have a weather radio, a flashlight, and blanket and pillows ready to hit the basement when necessary.

I heard once that how you react in one area of your life is how you react in other areas. This makes me think these people also react in the same way with their business marketing.

So, which one are you? See if you recognize yourself below and determine if you need to make a change.

Personality Types


This was totally me when I was younger. Cautious people tend to be very reserved and task-oriented. They love details and love to share them. These people don’t like to take risks. They don’t want to fail. They don’t want to look stupid. They don’t want to embarrass themselves. They don’t want bad things to happen.

There are many good things about this personality style, but the problem with this behavior is that you also miss out on lots of opportunities! What I have learned via Wayne Gretsky, is that “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”  I’ve found this to be true in so many different life situations, from small everyday decisions to huge life-changing ones.


These are the people that lay it all on the line. It’s usually all or nothing with them. They take chance after chance and they don’t let failure stop them. They are the boasters and will even exaggerate their successes. They are the ones that ask for forgiveness, not permission. They don’t ask how’s the water or test it by dipping a toe in before they jump in. They act on impulse without thinking ahead.

Some of the good things about this personality trait is that they have a low fear factor which could help them find success. They don’t always take no for an answer which may help them persist with innovative ideas that could lead to great inventions. They typically have high levels of energy which could help them be more productive.

The problem that I see with this behavior is that you could possibly experience a lot of negative consequences from making one bad decision after another.


These are the people that put their heads down and go along with the status quo. They don’t want to be visible or rock the boat. They are reserved and like to play it safe. They fear greater responsibility and are the ones that hold the same position for 25+ years. They are, however, very reliable and good at following instructions.


These are the people that see the writing on the wall and begin preparing for what they see. They were probably in the Scouts when they were younger. They have a five-year or ten-year plan for their lives. They have habits and rituals they follow. They develop the skills that they need to succeed now and in the future. They think beyond today and they have a plan B.

How I Changed My Business Strategy From Cautious To Prepared

Back in 2011, I saw the writing on the wall. The small office I was working in at the time was preparing to close down (only they weren’t telling us that).

I knew my career path was in jeopardy and I needed to prepare. I began taking all the free educational and learning opportunities I could. I began to study for my CAP exam (Certified Administrative Professional) to help myself become more marketable. I started researching alternatives. (Yes, I was a Girl Scout!)

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That’s when I discovered the virtual assistant (VA) opportunity. I learned that it would be a natural fit for me due to my years of experience as an executive assistant.

I also learned that I’d have to beef up my technical skills. I have found many good learning and training opportunities along the way that have helped me prepare for this new career path and take the leap to become a full-time Virtual Assistant (VA).

I continued to learn and grow. I have upgraded my services to include online marketing help and coaching.

Prepare Your Business Strategy Now

What are you doing to be more prepared?

Remember, if you’re not learning and growing, you’re dying.

If you’d like to improve your online business marketing and be more prepared, schedule a free 15-minute call with me today.

I’d be happy to help you with your business strategy!

Your content marketing assistant at