
Use Task Delegation To Make More Money and Stop Wasting Time

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Are you wasting your time on tasks other people can do more cheaply?

Are you sacrificing your family, friendships, and freedom to keep your business alive?

You say you’ve tried getting help before, but it didn’t work out?

Afraid others won’t get it done right?

Don’t assume it’s just low productivity or inadequate skills and dedication. It could be you!

Are you sure you know how to use task delegation effectively?

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Your Physical Environment For Success

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Read about the First Foundational Block of Success here.

Your physical environment is important to your success.

It is widely believed that if your surroundings are cluttered, you will not be as productive.

It has an impact on your psyche which means if you unclutter your space, you will also unclutter your mind.

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Is Your Business Strategy Like a Tornado Warning?

business strategy like a tornado warning? at

We had tornado warnings here in the Midwest last night. It’s always interesting to see how different people react.

Some are cautious and hit the basement immediately.

Some are risky and go out into the yard, look up into the sky, and wait for it to come.

Some are oblivious and just go about their regular routine like nothing is happening.

And some are prepared and have a weather radio, a flashlight, and blanket and pillows ready to hit the basement when necessary.

I heard once that how you react in one area of your life is how you react in other areas. This makes me think these people also react in the same way with their business marketing.

So, which one are you? See if you recognize yourself below and determine if you need to make a change.

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How to Instantly Grow Your Business Using Social Media – Part II

Marketing on Twitter at www.xtreme-assistant.comSee my previous post about the importance of using social networks for your business and how you can use them to build trust and relationships that convert into a larger, loyal list of subscribers. We touched on Facebook and will now touch on Twitter. These two platforms are the most successful tools to promote your business. Twitter can be linked to your Facebook page to show your Tweets in your feed, further helping you to optimize your efforts. Continue reading

How to Instantly Grow Your Business Using Social Media – Part I

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Many people starting their own online businesses fail to realize the importance of social networking sites. In their personal life, they may either hate them or find themselves spending too much time on them. So they ignore the value in terms of business and more specifically in reaching their audience and building their subscriber base.

There are many tools in which to build and grow your business. But social networking has grown to an amazing number and is growing at a very fast pace among all age groups. Social networking sites are fertile ground for new subscribers, so you need to embrace this as a hot spot for your business growth.

Social networks connect you and your business directly to your prospects and customers. They give you an opportunity to provide value to them, brand your company, establish credibility, and sell your products and/or services. You will reach a whole new group of people by having an online presence. It is also a very cost-effective form of marketing and helps you keep up with your competitors.

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