
How to Increase Your Motivation When It’s Low

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You know what needs to be done.  It’s obvious when you look around you.  You must get started but lack the motivation.

How do you increase your motivation to be successful? Let’s answer a few other questions first…

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Self-care: Everyone Wins When You’re at Your Best!

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Lately, it’s been extra hard to find time for self-care as we’ve been dealing with stress and anxiety. And if you’ve followed me for some time, you know I’m an advocate for self-care!

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What is a Virtual Assistant (VA) And What Do They Do?

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I wanted to address the most common question I get asked since starting my business…

“What is a virtual assistant and what do you do?”

I started my virtual assistant (VA) business as a side gig in 2014 and quit my city corporate job as an executive assistant in 2018. I now operate my business almost full-time from my home in the country. You can read my personal story here.

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This eCommerce Solution Will Save You Time and Money

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An online presence is a MUST in today’s marketplace.

If you’re not on the internet somewhere, your potential customers will dismiss you faster than a speeding bullet.

And if you want to sell online products, I have the perfect eCommerce solution for you!

People decide to create an eCommerce business for different reasons…

Some want to have a platform to sell their own products.

Some want to add another stream of income.

Some want to join the crowd and have an online presence for their already existing business.

And others want to build a successful online business and be their own boss.

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Use Task Delegation To Make More Money and Stop Wasting Time

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on those links. It doesn’t cost you more and you may find you save money using my partnerships.

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Are you wasting your time on tasks other people can do more cheaply?

Are you sacrificing your family, friendships, and freedom to keep your business alive?

You say you’ve tried getting help before, but it didn’t work out?

Afraid others won’t get it done right?

Don’t assume it’s just low productivity or inadequate skills and dedication. It could be you!

Are you sure you know how to use task delegation effectively?

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