
Quick and Easy Holiday Planning Tips

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The Holidays……the turkey comes out of the oven golden brown, with an enticing aroma that fills the entire house. All the china is in pristine condition and not a single piece in the set is missing.

The family is gathered for holiday pictures, the children are poised perfectly; hands to themselves, not a hair out of place and their smiles are shining brightly for the camera.

Then just as the photographer is about to capture the shot… you wake up!

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Strategic Planning for Self-Improvement

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self-improvement at www.xtreme-assistant.c om

The start of the final quarter is a good time to review your efforts and make adjustments to meet the goals you established for this year.

And to start thinking about your self-improvement plan for next year…

You may need to roll over some goals you didn’t meet this year into next year’s plan. You may have found some skill or knowledge gaps that you’ll want to work on next year.

But the plan is simple, identify your weaknesses and develop a way to master them. Everyone has weaknesses and that’s okay. You’re human and you’re not perfect.

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