
Self-care: Everyone Wins When You’re at Your Best!

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Lately, it’s been extra hard to find time for self-care as we’ve been dealing with stress and anxiety. And if you’ve followed me for some time, you know I’m an advocate for self-care!

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Simple Tips On How to Get Started Journaling

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Getting started journaling isn’t something that you need to think about too hard. Yes, there are numerous types and styles of journals and ways to do this that may or may not be more effective depending on your goals, but you can simply get some paper (or your computer) and get started today.

Any type of journal that you keep can be beneficial. It doesn’t matter if it’s just to document your life or to work through problems – you can use a journal to do it all. From tracking your projects to documenting vacation, to overcoming anxiety, a journal will work for you if you make journaling a ritual.

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How Journaling Can Help with Achieving Your Goals

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I’ve written about journaling before. It’s helpful in many different ways.

I’ve used it to journal my gratitude, my physical pain, issues with conflict, and my insights. 

You can read my post about journaling gratitude here: How to Improve Your Life Using a Gratitude Journal.

Journaling can also help you achieve your goals because it will force you to think about them, consider the why and how, and explore deeper into the situation so that you can examine all sides of it.

Writing is a powerful way to capture your ideas and get them into an organized, actionable form.

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