
Advice That Will Help You Achieve More in Your Day

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There’s a productivity technique that you’ve been believing in that is actually hurting your effectiveness and ability to get more done.

Don’t feel bad. We’ve all been led to believe it.

The big lie that we’ve been told and that we have believed is that we CAN multi-task successfully. People have worn it as a badge of honor.

How many times have you heard someone say proudly, “I’m multi-tasking!”  I’ve even bragged about doing it in the past.

Multi-tasking seems like the perfect solution to getting more done. But it’s a lie! Only 2.5% of people can multi-task successfully. I know I’m not among them. Are you?

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Success Does Not Fuel Happiness

Success Does Not Fuel Happiness at

It’s easy to simplify happiness and claim that it’s obvious that successful people are happy.

However, if you interviewed 100 successful people, you may be surprised that a large percentage of them are NOT as happy as you think they should be.

The fact is, you can be a millionaire, have a wonderful spouse, great kids, everything you want, and still not be happy!

The truth is happiness fuels success. Not the other way around.

Here’s why…

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Accountability Will Make You More Prosperous

accountability will make you more prosperous at

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Every entrepreneur needs a mentor and accountability — regardless of where you are in your journey. You’re never too experienced, too old, or too knowledgeable. There’s always more to learn!

Finding a mentor to be accountable to is essential to your success. But when it comes to finding a mentor, it’s important not to think too narrowly.

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How to Increase Your Motivation When It’s Low

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You know what needs to be done.  It’s obvious when you look around you.  You must get started but lack the motivation.

How do you increase your motivation to be successful? Let’s answer a few other questions first…

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Self-care: Everyone Wins When You’re at Your Best!

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Lately, it’s been extra hard to find time for self-care as we’ve been dealing with stress and anxiety. And if you’ve followed me for some time, you know I’m an advocate for self-care!

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