
Advice That Will Help You Achieve More in Your Day

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There’s a productivity technique that you’ve been believing in that is actually hurting your effectiveness and ability to get more done.

Don’t feel bad. We’ve all been led to believe it.

The big lie that we’ve been told and that we have believed is that we CAN multi-task successfully. People have worn it as a badge of honor.

How many times have you heard someone say proudly, “I’m multi-tasking!”  I’ve even bragged about doing it in the past.

Multi-tasking seems like the perfect solution to getting more done. But it’s a lie! Only 2.5% of people can multi-task successfully. I know I’m not among them. Are you?

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How to improve productivity and make the most of the time you have…

Improve productivity and become more effective and efficient

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Here’s a quick video I did over on my Facebook page where I shared an easy productivity technique most don’t use. (The sale mentioned in the video is now over. Sorry!)

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Make This The Year You Conquer Your Clutter!

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But are you instead wasting precious time shuffling papers and looking for your missing file or car keys?

Are you overwhelmed and just feel tired?

Do you dream of short-cuts to make your life and work more organized?

I know you’ve got great reasons for wanting to be more organized…

You want the best for your business and family.

You want to be patient without losing your mind in the insanity of so much stuff.

And you just want to make the most of the time you have, instead of running around chasing clutter.

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How Can Hiring A Virtual Assistant Help Your Business?

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One of the best ways to increase your productivity is to delegate.

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, you can delegate to a virtual assistant (VA).

But how can a virtual assistant help your business?

By hiring a virtual assistant, you can increase your productivity and do more of what YOU’RE good at and what YOU love doing.

They can help you save time, money, and your sanity!

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How to Increase Your Motivation When It’s Low

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You know what needs to be done.  It’s obvious when you look around you.  You must get started but lack the motivation.

How do you increase your motivation to be successful? Let’s answer a few other questions first…

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