
Make Running Your Business A Breeze With FreshBooks

Updated to include 2023 end of year sale.

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The Reality of (Some) Accounting Software

A FreshBooks report based on a survey done in 2019, indicates that accountants think accounting software is too complicated for their clients to use without the help of an accountant. 

And, 68% of survey respondents agree that small business owners are intimidated by accounting software.

At the same time, 71% of respondents report using a QuickBooks accounting product.

However, FreshBooks is the #1 invoicing and accounting software designed exclusively for self-employed professionals and is ridiculously easy-to-use with invoicing, time-tracking, online payments, and expense management features.

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Improve Your Focus and Limit Distractions

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 Keeping yourself on task these days is a challenge. There are SO many things competing for your attention.

You can maximize productivity by learning to limit distractions and stay focused. 

Getting distracted is a normal part of life, but you need to learn how to get back on track when you start to waste time or lose focus.

Create better systems and strategies to help you limit distractions and maintain better periods of focus and productivity.

Below are some tried and true methods, but you have to find what works best for you. Try some of these ideas and stick with the ones that work…

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on those links. It doesn’t cost you more and you may find you save money using my partnerships.

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Using a Planner To Be More Productive and Set Priorities

Be more productive at www.xtreme-assistant.comDo you arrive at work in the mornings frazzled because of how your morning went from the moment you woke up? Do you struggle with work/life balance? Do you feel like you were busy all day, but you didn’t get anything done that needed to get done? Are you running on autopilot with no real focus or purpose?

Would you like to create a more stress-free environment that will allow you to be a high performer? Would you like to simplify your life while at the same time, get better results? Would you like to learn ways to be more productive and stop wasting time?

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Create A Vision Board to Meet and Achieve Your Goals

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What is a vision board you ask? It’s basically your vision of your ideal life made from images and words.

Images and words of what you’d like your life to look like if you could have everything you wanted.

Your vision is the blueprint for your life.

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