How to improve productivity and make the most of the time you have…

Improve productivity and become more effective and efficient

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Here’s a quick video I did over on my Facebook page where I shared an easy productivity technique most don’t use. (The sale mentioned in the video is now over. Sorry!)

Do you laugh when someone asks what you do with your free time?

As if you actually have any! LOL

Do you feel like you’re just drifting through life with no real purpose?

Are you ignoring important adult tasks like tracking a budget, keeping a schedule, having good routines and habits in place, or taking care of yourself and your family?

I get it…

That used to be me too! And countless others!

Life can get busy and chaotic at times.

When I was 20, I didn’t know what life hacks were. Productivity tips? I didn’t need no stinkin’ productivity tips!

But when I worked in corporate America, I started learning about professional development and productivity hacks.

I learned to be more efficient and productive. I become great at my job. I developed goals, and I began to achieve them.

As I began to earn more responsibility in my profession, and as I began to juggle more in my personal life (husband! House! Pets! Kids! Activities!), I began to feel quite overwhelmed and began looking for ways to be even more productive and efficient.

I learned through many different resources such as:

Planning systems





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I was able to break through negative thinking patterns, gain confidence, create meaningful goals, and take radical action towards them.

I took a good hard look at myself, my life, and my habits.

And I started to make some changes. I started to take responsibility for my life by creating better routines, better habits, and streamlined my schedule.

Are you looking for something like this too?

You don’t have to accept chaos and drifting. You CAN have the productive life you’ve been wanting.

What improved productivity can do for you…

Benefits you’ll experience when you put productivity formulas in place:

Be more intentional with your time.

Achieve more goals.

Feel less stressed and overwhelmed.

More motivation and time to do what yo love.

Feel more in control of things.

And feel happier too!

Boosting productivity means working smarter, not harder. So, try to resist the temptation to stuff your calendar with more commitments or put in longer hours working.

I’ve watched too many people struggle needlessly trying to figure out how to get all their responsibilities taken care of. And I don’t want that to be YOU!

Frankly, things don’t just get done magically. High achievers use tools and tactics to crush their goals.

If the concept of managing your time, achieving your goals, being more organized, conquering procrastination, and being more productive, sounds good to you…I urge you to keep reading!

Why improved productivity matters…

Improving your productivity has the potential to also improve your life. Too many people walk around feeling overwhelmed with too much to do.

If you could learn better ways to organize your tasks and obligations, wouldn’t your life be better?

Learning productivity techniques can transform your life by helping you not only get more done, but get the right things done!

It’s so fun to hear what others have said after doing so. Here is what a few people have said:

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Once you make the decision to do this, you’ll feel the weight of the world has lifted from your shoulders! There’s simply no better feeling than knowing in your heart that you’ve done everything you could to take care of important people and matters in your life.

How productivity can be improved

6 Ways to Improve Productivity

Wouldn’t you love to end your workday with everything finished on time and handed in? Maybe even get a head start on tomorrow’s work? That probably sounds more of a fantasy than reality.

But being more productive throughout the day means one of two things: either you have special powers and can add extra hours to the day, or you’re willing to learn how to manage your time wisely and efficiently.

Since you’re probably like the rest of us and want to know more about the latter, read on for some helpful tips.

1. Stay Organized

Keeping everything in its place will save a lot of time searching. It’s a greatly underrated productivity booster. It’ll save you time and energy wasted on looking for things. And it’ll make your workspace look neater and better to look at it which is a major stress-buster. Get my eBook “Declutter Your Workspace in 8 Days” here.

2. “5 Before 11”

In an effort to maintain a high level of productivity throughout the day, try picking 5 things you can get done before 11 am. Choose the things that will boost your sense of accomplishment and output. Breaking things down reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed and lost under files, memos, and deadlines.

3. Go for a Walk

Instead of eating lunch at your desk, scrunched over more paperwork, go for a walk outside. Getting some fresh air will help you clear your head, give you some perspective and a more positive outlook. Plus, it’s great physical exercise, and a change of scenery will do wonders for your creative juices. If you absolutely can’t leave your work area, go for a walk indoors. Studies prove that going for a walk, even a short one, can boost efficiency by 60%.

4. Stop Multitasking

Some people think that juggling multiple things at once means they’re boosting their work rate. But, studies have found that multitasking could do more harm than good because you’re not giving each task the time and effort it deserves. Distractions like that impact negatively on the quality of your work, and leave you feeling drained and frazzled. Try giving each task enough time to complete it before moving onto something else. See my previous blog post “Six Things To Do Instead of Multi-task” here.

5. Give yourself self-imposed deadlines

In general, the word ‘deadline’ is enough to give you heart palpitations, headaches, dizzy spells. But when you’re the one setting the deadline for yourself, you won’t feel the pressure in a negative way. But you will feel obligated to respect the deadline you’ve set. We’re creatures of habit, so go easy on yourself at first. The point is to acknowledge that you have a set time after which you’ll be held accountable for your work. When you do meet your deadline, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward for getting the job done on time.

6. Beautify your Surroundings

Attractive furniture and office décor, such as candles, plants, vases, can be pleasing to look at. Moreover, they turn a boring space into something beautiful and functional with an added personal touch. They can also help increase productivity, as studies show, by up to 15%.

Choose whatever makes you feel happy and comfortable, as long as they meet office regulations. By surrounding yourself with things that are aesthetically pleasing, you’ll be boosting production rate, creative outlet, along with your ability to focus on the task at hand.

If you feel like you need even more improvement in the way you’re managing your time and goals, I urge you to check out this FREE on-demand training and learn the 3-step formula to overcome procrastination with proven brain science:

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