How to Reverse Your Negative Thoughts and See More Success

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Most successful people say that mindset is key. Yet, most want to ignore that and jump straight to the skills or technology that is needed for success. I used to be one of those people until I learned better.

You see, what we believe and think will be reflected through how we live our lives. Too many people often attribute their misfortunes to fate or chance. While there are some elements of this within our lives, how we think can greatly impact our lives and our future.

About Negative Thinkers…

A negative thinking person doesn’t see solutions where they exist. They will knock down any idea that comes their way. They have a narrow perspective and tend to see the worst in every problem.

Negative thinkers will attract other negative thinkers and will recruit as many people as possible to this way of thinking. Remember the saying, “Birds of a feather will flock together?”

Negative people stay stuck or even fall behind. They will find excuses for why their lives aren’t working for them and complain about it. It’s a protection mechanism that tells them to stay with what is familiar, easy, and comfortable.

Constant negative thinking can leave you anxious and depressed. It can affect the way you think about yourself, your life, and those around you. This thinking can then affect your habits, your success, and your relationships.

These scenarios of thoughts play out for people over and over. In reality, negativity is a bad habit. It’s easy to get caught up in it due to all the negativity that exists in the world. News stories, friends, even family, can all be contributors that help us lead negative lives.

A Positive Outlook…

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On the other hand, a person who keeps a positive outlook, every idea has the potential to become a solution. They will find the path much quicker than when they don’t accept new ideas or see the good in situations.

Research shows that positive people live longer, have more energy, are able to make better decisions, are more likely to be happily married, have more friends, and make higher salaries. They are also able to see the lesson in every failure.

Positive people advance quickly, are more productive, and will flock to people who share the same positive mental attitude. When you get a group of positive thinkers together, who all are open to many ideas, the possibilities are endless!

Not every idea that positive people come up with will work. It would be wrong to say that they have all the answers. It’s just that they are willing to take more risks and evaluate what works and what needs improvement. They also are quick to abandon those ideas that aren’t working.

Don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself being a negative thinker. As long as you take steps to reverse it, you can live a better life going forward.

There is Good News!

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Negative thinkers can turn their situations around. They first have to admit they have a problem. Then, they have to learn how to reflect on what they are doing and consciously reverse their negative thoughts.

It is important to understand that our thoughts influence our perceptions and behavior. The essence of who we are is in our thoughts. Better thinking creates better results. You can’t win the war in the world if you can’t win the war in your mind.

It was a true revelation when I discovered that we are not our thoughts, we simply have thoughts. We can choose thoughts that empower us at will.

Ten Ways to Reverse Your Negative Thoughts:

  • Use positive affirmations. This is a great way to reverse the cycle. Be consistent and they will reinforce your positive thoughts.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Practicing gratitude and appreciation helps us overcome the negativity in our lives and helps us see the good in the world. They are the antidote to negative thinking and creates positive energy.
  • Seek out positive thinkers. Whether they are in person or on the internet, they can be a great influence and support to your optimism. They will create more positive emotions and a sense of hope for your future.
  • Avoid negative people. Some of them may be your family and friends. They will only keep you stuck and keep pulling you back down. Walk away from negative conversations and situations.
  • Avoid negative events. Stop reading, watching, listening to the news. This only creates negative emotions and leaves us feeling helpless.
  • Practice good self-care. When you feel better, you’ll be more positive.
  • Develop a self-improvement plan and implement it.
  • Celebrate your achievements. Success breeds success.
  • Live in the present and in a beautiful state.
  • Use mindful meditation. Scientific research shows that this daily practice reduces stress, boosts positive energy, and promotes health, vitality, and longevity.

Your family, friends, and colleagues will appreciate the new you once you’ve learned to reverse your negative thoughts. And you will be much happier as well.

The process isn’t always easy and may take some time. But it will pay dividends for the rest of your life!

2 thoughts on “How to Reverse Your Negative Thoughts and See More Success

  1. Love your blog today. To me it is more important in the winter to have positive thoughts and actions because there are less day light hours.

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