Tag Archive | grammar

Proofreading is a Sure-Fire Way to Easily Improve Your Writing

Proofreading Services at www.xtreme-assistant.com

How’s your content writing going?

How’s your career?

Are your clients happy?

Don’t worry if your responses aren’t all completely positive. You’ve come too far to quit now.

You’d be surprised how just one little typo can leave a lasting negative impression! 

You may be tempted to assume that people overlook written mistakes, so it doesn’t really matter.

Trust me, improving your professional image with your writing is worth the effort.

Introducing your secret weapon…

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Spelling Sets You Apart As a Writer

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Grammarly Writing Support at www.xtreme-assistant.comComputer spell check software is great, but it sometimes doesn’t inform you to a misspelled word. And, you might be spelling a word correctly, but it isn’t the word that you should be using in the context of the sentence.

For example, what if you wrote this sentence with a typo in it:  He tackled the breast and killed it. Well obviously, you didn’t mean to put that R in there – it should have said, He tackled the beast and killed it.

But spell check wouldn’t catch it because they’re both words and both spelled properly. But one isn’t correct and it could cause you a lot of embarrassment. So you can’t rely on spell check to save you.

According to an article in Harvard Business Review, Continue reading