Tag Archive | gratitude

You Need to Do This to Accomplish Your Goals

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Once you have established your goals, created your vision board, scheduled your action steps into your planner, and begin to get to work towards your goals, you will need to take time out to review your progress.

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How To Meet Your Goals Using Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Positive affirmations are daily statements that we make to ourselves that help us align our lives by focusing our thoughts in positive directions.

Sometimes all it takes is a simple switch from “glass half empty” thinking to “glass half full” thinking.

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How To Use Motivation Quotes To Attract Lasting Change


We become what we think.  This quote has been proven over and over again.

If we perceive something bad is going to happen to us, many times it does. 

On the contrary, if we believe something good is going to happen, this often becomes true as well. 

Science has affirmed the link between positive affect and its impact on an individual’s motivation and performance.

If we expect the best or we expect the worst, we’re usually not disappointed.  Each time we perceive a positive thought, it increases our own perceptions of positive expectancy.

For motivation to last, it requires constant thinking with daily positive reinforcement.

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Cultivate Improved Gratitude And Abundance In Just Minutes

gratitude at www.xtreme-assistant.com

The holiday season always makes me think about gratitude and blessings; about all the things that we take for granted.

We Americans have such an overabundance and such busy lives that we forget about the simple blessings in life. Sadly, we forget to be grateful. 😢

Gratitude is appreciation or thankfulness, a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. Gratitude has been found to be connected to a feeling of well-being.

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