Tag Archive | Self improvement

Four Steps To Making Your Personal Finances Absolutely Awesome

Improve your financial situation at www.xtreme-assistant.comImproving personal finances is the number five New Year’s Resolution. When you’re worried about money, either now or for your future, it makes it hard to relax and enjoy your life. The sooner you get a hold of your financial health, the sooner you’ll be able to live your life in a more meaningful way.

You can live your best life financially if you take a four-stepped approach Continue reading

Six Things To Do Instead of Multi-task

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It’s a myth that multi-tasking is the answer to getting more done in the same number of hours. And it’s actually creating habits that cause you to mismanage time.

Although, some people can juggle a phone call and typing a report at the same time, don’t think that if you do three things at once, you’re being more productive.

Actually, you create more potential for making mistakes because your attention is divided in several ways. Nothing muddles time management worse than trying to multi-task.

The human body and mind have limits and those limits cannot be extended by multi-tasking. Rather than depend on multi-tasking as your strategy, look again at some of the tried and true time management principles.

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How To Use Motivation Quotes To Attract Lasting Change


We become what we think.  This quote has been proven over and over again.

If we perceive something bad is going to happen to us, many times it does. 

On the contrary, if we believe something good is going to happen, this often becomes true as well. 

Science has affirmed the link between positive affect and its impact on an individual’s motivation and performance.

If we expect the best or we expect the worst, we’re usually not disappointed.  Each time we perceive a positive thought, it increases our own perceptions of positive expectancy.

For motivation to last, it requires constant thinking with daily positive reinforcement.

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Increased Success With Short-Term Thinking

Increased Success at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Everywhere you turn it seems that someone is touting the benefits of long-term thinking. If you’re too focused on long-term thinking, you lose sight of the increased success that you can find when you practice short-term planning.

What’s so sad is that too many people get advised to “think about the future” instead of living in the present. It’s important to have a healthy balance of long and short-term planning.

The long-term portion enables you to dream big and shoot for the stars. The short-term efforts allow you to see immediate progress and enjoy the steps you’re taking on a regular basis.

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Starting Your Own Business

Perhaps you are one that would like to start your own business. A growing number of people are finding ways to offer their skills and knowledge to earn extra income. Just like I have with my website here. Or perhaps you want to Continue reading