Tag Archive | year-end review

2022 Year-End Review

I’ve been trying to do a year-end review each year for several years now.

It’s a great reminder of all that you’ve accomplished and learned throughout the year.

And it’s interesting to look back and see how far you’ve come.

Below is this year’s but here are links to previous years also if you’re curious…

2017 Year In Review And Making 2018 The Best Year Yet (Includes a stop, start, continue list)

My 2019 Year End Review (Includes the benefits of reflecting and how to do a year-end review)

My 2020 Year-End Review (Includes links to freebies from that year)

2021 Year-End Review (Includes links to more freebies)

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2021 Year-End Review

Achievements, gratitude, challenges, and lessons from this year

Year-End Review at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Conducting a year-end review gives you an opportunity to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate your wins. It provides the opportunity to reflect on how much you’ve grown and learned. It gives you a chance to recognize any obstacles you overcame.

We continue to adjust to this new world. And I continue to adjust to my ever-changing life. It’s been another crazy year with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns.

Some say that’s what keeps life interesting. That you wouldn’t appreciate the good times without the bad. That the bad times make you stronger and wiser.

My Year End Review of 2021…

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My 2020 Year-End Review

Achievements, gratitude, challenges, and lessons from this year.

2020 Year-End Review at www.xtreme-assistant.com

And I thought 2019 was challenging! 2020 showed me it can always get worse.

See my 2019 year-end review here to see benefits of doing a year-end review and how you can do your own year-end review.

But I’m choosing to make the best of it and pivoting as necessary. I hope you are too. I’m afraid those who don’t will get left behind and miss out on great opportunities.

It’s definitely been a challenging year for absolute everyone on earth. In every country. I’m sure not one person was left out. But how you deal with challenges is more important than anything else.

You must learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome your obstacles. You must have the determination to triumph over your setbacks to achieve success. The ability to change and adapt to the environment gives you the power of control.

As I’ve learned in the past, it’s important to have gratitude for all things. Even though it’s hard sometimes, reflecting and journaling have been helpful for me. Thinking and reflecting prepares us better for taking action.

Here’s my year-end review for 2020. It includes both business and personal observations.

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My 2019 Year End Review

Year End review at www.xtreme-assistant.com

Wow! What a year. My life continues to change. I guess that’s a good thing. I never want to stay stuck in my comfort zone. I just didn’t expect so many twists and turns!

A year-end review can be especially useful. John Maxwell says that the evaluated experience is the best teacher.

It gives you an opportunity to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate your wins. It provides the opportunity to reflect on how much you’ve grown and learned. It gives you a chance to recognize any obstacles you overcame.

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Year In Review And Making 2018 The Best Year Yet

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The last few years have been rough for me.

Last year I lost my older brother, lost a few friends, had back surgery, began to see my parents decline with dementia, obtained a new boss at work (much adjustment), began and ended a romantic relationship, and saw many celebrities that I grew up with pass away.

This year I had to place my mother in a nursing home due to Alzheimer’s disease, I’m watching my father lose his mind to dementia and am caring for him, I lost my full-time job, I moved, I lost a few more friends and a few more childhood celebrities.

Change is hard. Loss is hard. 💔

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